Join Frank, Dean, Sammy, Joey, and peter in the rat Pack's Las Vegas. This unique program traces the history of the Rat Pack, beginning with Frank Sinatra's solo stint as a vegas headliner when his movie and recording careers crumbled, to his famous 'Summits' with the rest of the pack at the fabled Sands, "a place in the sun" Hotel, to the triumphant on-location filming of the Pack's Ocean's 11, which showcased as many stars as could make it to Vegas for the filming.
The program features rare footage of the action at the Sands Copa Room as well as stills of JFK and other Kennedy-Era luminaries. The program also offers frank discussions of the racism that dominated las Vegas in the 1950s - and Frank Sinatra's heroic efforts to end it for his good friend Sammy Davis, Jr.
From the birth of The Sands to its razing to make way for today's fabulous Venetian Resort Hotel, the Rat Pack's Las Vegas showcases the men and the times that built the myth - and mystique - of America's number one tourist destination.